Journal Prompts To Help You Cope With Depression At Work

Journal Prompts To Help You Cope With Depression At Work Journal Prompts To Help You Cope With Depression At Work

When you're struggling with depression at work, journalling is an effective strategy you can turn to, because it can help you to:

  • Get a cathartic release;
  • Gain some clarity over your thoughts, feelings and everything you’re going through;
  • Brainstorm how to better cope with your depression at work.

So, to achieve these objectives, in this blog post, we'd like to share with you a variety of journal prompts for you to thoughtfully consider and then write out your response to :)

Journal Prompts To Help You Cope With Depression At Work

  • Is depression impacting your ability to work? If so, in what ways? And, how does this make you feel?
  • Do you blame yourself for not being able to work as effectively as you would if you didn't have depression? Why or why not?
  • If you do blame yourself for not being able to work as effectively as you would if you didn't have depression, then why are you placing the blame on your shoulders as opposed to depression's?
  • If you do blame yourself for not being able to work as effectively as you would if you didn't have depression, then would you also blame your best friend if they had depression and therefore weren't working up to their potential? If not, then what does that tell you?
  • What is some evidence that you're smart, knowledgeable and good at your job in spite of the fact that you're not currently able to perform at your best as a result of your depression?
  • What are some strategies you could implement at work to soothe depression's symptoms and therefore reduce how much it's impacting you?
  • What are some strategies you could implement outside of work to soothe depression's symptoms and therefore put you in a better frame of mind to work?
  • What's a morning routine you could implement to help energise and prepare you for the workday to come?
  • Are there any specific events or situations at work which particularly trigger your depression? If so, then what could you do to prepare for them / what other steps could you take so that they don't trigger you so much?
  • What are some things you could do to add some more pleasure into your workday?
  • What are one or more things you could do in your lunch break to recharge your batteries and help you manage your depression throughout the rest of the day?
  • What's the #1 thing that would ease your depression at work? What steps can you take to try to make this happen?
  • When you speak to yourself at work, do you do so in a positive way that supports and encourages you, or in a negative way that tears you down and fuels your depression? Give examples.
  • What are some reasons why you're a valuable worker that it would improve your confidence to be more mindful of?
  • How does your depression impact the way you interact with your co-workers?
  • Have any of your co-workers made any negative, critical and/or judgmental comments about your work performance recently? If so, then what are some reasons why these comments weren't fair? And, do you think they would've made these same comments if they had a proper understanding of depression and the ways it can impact work performance?
  • Do you have anyone at work who you could confide in about your depression, and therefore be able to receive some help in some way?
  • What are some things you can look forward to when work is over that can help motivate and encourage you throughout the day?
  • What are some additional things you could do outside of work to add more joy and pleasure to your life – and therefore give you more energy and a better frame of mind with which to work?
  • Is there anything you could do to ease your workload so that you have more time to deal with your depression? If so, what?
  • Is there anything you could do to make your job easier until you're feeling more on top of your depression? Brainstorm.
  • If your best friend was in your situation, then what would you say to encourage, reassure and empower them?

We hope you find writing out your responses to these journal prompts helpful :)

All our love,

The Depression Project Team.