People Describe The Hardest Parts Of Coming Out Of A Depressive Episode

People Describe The Hardest Parts Of Coming Out Of A Depressive Episode - The Depression Project People Describe The Hardest Parts Of Coming Out Of A Depressive Episode - The Depression Project

Coming out of a depressive episode can often evoke a range of mixed feelings. On the one hand, you're of course glad that you're starting to feel better again. However, on the other hand, something that isn't talked about very much is the reality that coming out of a depressive episode can also be hard in its own way as well.

So, in this short blog post, we'd like to share with you the hardest parts of coming out of a depressive episode - as explained by people in The Depression Project's community who know exactly how difficult it can be.

People Describe The Hardest Parts Of Coming Out Of A Depressive Episode

"The hardest part of coming out of a depressive episode is having to apologise to friends for being absent. My go-to thing is to shut the world out when it's all getting too much. And, when I'm ready to let it back in, it can be hard for my friends to understand why I didn't talk to them."

"The hardest part of coming out of a depressive episode is wondering how long until the next one comes along. You've put in so much hard work, but even the smallest thing can undo all of it in the blink of an eye. It's one big rollercoaster."

"The hardest part of coming out of a depressive episode is reconnecting with friends and family. It's hard to let the people you love the most know that you're in pain and I isolate myself to avoid that. As I grow and mature, I've learned that sharing what I feel is not a flaw, and that it's a blessing that I have people to share these feelings with in the first place."

"I think the hardest part of coming out of a depressive episode is to realise how much time with friends and family I have lost ... as well as all the things I failed to do at work. All the things that I could have done for myself."

"The hardest part for me is trying to connect with the world again. That invisible box that cuts you off from others is very difficult to escape at first. I'm sorry for anyone struggling at the moment. Xoxo."

If you can relate to the above quotes from members of our community, then please know that you are NOT alone.

And, if you know someone with depression, please understand that even when they're coming out of a depressive episode, they're likely still going through a lot.

All our love,

The Depression Project Team.

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