Do You Have A Comprehensive Self-Care Plan To Help You Fight Depression?
When many people think of self-care, they often associate it with its most "obvious" acts - such as lying in a bathtub, lighting scented candles around a room, or getting a massage, for example. And, while self-care can include these acts, it is also much, much, much more than this – especially when you're fighting depression.
And, for this reason, we decided to write How To Practice Self-Care When You Have Depression.
Here's A Breakdown Of Exactly What This Book Will Cover:
- Chapter 1: How To Practice "Mental Self-Care" - which can help you separate yourself from negative thoughts; think more positively; become "unstuck" from something that you may be ruminating about; and stimulate your mind in an enjoyable way.
- Chapter 2: How To Practice "Emotional Self-Care" - which can help you get some respite from the painful emotions you're feeling, give your mood a boost, and prevent yourself from getting burnt out and/or from your depression deteriorating.
- Chapter 3: How To Practice "Physical Self-Care" - which can help you, among other things, feel more energetic, and take care of your physical health as well.
- Chapter 4: How To Practice "Social Self-Care" - which can help you have positive interactions with the people around you.
- Chapter 5: How To Practice "Spiritual Self-Care" - which can contribute to you feeling as if you have a purpose in the world and that your life has meaning.
- Chapter 6: How To Practice "Practical Self-Care" - which can contribute to you feeling more comfortable, safe, cared for and in control of your life.
- Chapter 7: How To Practice Self-Care As Effectively As Possible - depending on the severity of your depressive symptoms.
- Chapter 8: What If You Don’t Feel Worthy Of Practicing Self-Care? According to members of The Depression Project's community, a major obstacle that can hold people with depression back from practicing self-care is not feeling worthy of doing so. If you can relate, then in this chapter, we'll show you how to cope with and overcome this obstacle.
- Chapter 9: What If It’s Difficult For You To Find Time For Self-Care? According to members of The Depression Project's community, this is another major obstacle that can hold people with depression back from practicing self-care. So, in this chapter, we'll share with you a handful of strategies to help you make more time for self-care.
FAQ #1: What format does this book come in?
You'll receive How To Practice Self-Care When You Have Depression in PDF format, for you to download and read instantly on any device you'd like (or to print it off and read it if you'd prefer).
FAQ #2: Why should you feel confident that this book will be really helpful?
This book is grounded in cognitive behavioural therapy - which in case you don't know, is a leading form of treatment for depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, personality disorders, and a wide range of other mental health issues. It's also been written by therapists at The Depression Project - which with 2,000,000+ followers on Instagram, 1,000,000+ on Facebook, and our posts having been viewed several BILLION times, is one of the world's most popular mental health organisations. We understand depression really, really well, and know exactly how to help people battling this illness get better and back on track to living the life they want.
FAQ#3: What if you give this book a try and you don't like it?
We're extremely, extremely confident that you're going to find How To Practice Self-Care When You Have Depression immensely helpful. But, just in case you don't, you're protected by The Depression Project's Personal Guarantee To You!
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about How To Practice Self-Care When You Have Depression, then please feel free to click here and contact us so that someone from our friendly team can answer them for you :)
Otherwise, we hope you choose to get this book, because we know that you're going to find it really, really helpful!
All our love,
The Depression Project Team.