10 Common Lies That Depression Tells You

10 Common Lies That Depression Tells You - The Depression Project 10 Common Lies That Depression Tells You - The Depression Project

While the negative thoughts you think when you're fighting depression can really seem like they're true, like we often say at The Depression Project, depression is a liar.

And, on that note, in this blog post, we'd like to share with you:

  1. Ten of the most common lies that depression tells you - according to members of The Depression Project's community;
  2. Secondly, we'd like to share with you what the truth actually is instead.

Are you ready?


10 Common Lies That Depression Tells You


1. Lie: "I'll never get through this"

    Truth: You are so much stronger than you realise. You are capable, resilient, and deserve to live in the better moments that are to come.


    2. Lie: "I am nothing"

    Truth: You are not nothing. You have a lot to give, and so much potential in you is yet to be tapped into.


    3. Lie: "There's nothing to like about me. I'm unlovable."

    Truth: There are many, many things to like about yourself - they're just difficult for you to see right now because depression is causing you to discount all of these wonderful, positive things and focus exclusively on your imperfections.


    4. Lie: "I'm worthless"

    Truth: You are worthy of much, much more than you're telling yourself you are. And, the more you heal, the more you will see this.


    5. Lie: "I'm a burden"

    Truth: Even if you need extra help now or if you can’t be the person that you'd like to be for others at this point in time, it does not mean that you're a burden. After all, it is OK to not be OK, and your current struggle does not define you.


    6. Lie: "I'm lazy and useless"

    Truth: It can be extremely, extremely difficult to function when you have depression, which can make even the smallest of tasks feel overwhelming and unmanageable.


    7. Lie: "I'm not good enough"

    Truth: Depression is distorting your perception to see only negatives in yourself, but there are so many positives that it hides from you. You deserve more compassion, not criticism.


    8. Lie: "My children would be better off without me"

    Truth: You have given so much to your children and have a lot of love in your heart for them. You care for them and provide for them, and their lives are infinitely richer with you in it.


    9. Lie: "Things will always be this way"

    Truth: There are many ebbs and flows in life, and there will be better times beyond your present struggle.


    10. Lie: "I will never overcome depression"

    Truth: It won't be easy, but with help, you can heal from depression.


    We hope you've found this blog post helpful, our friend, and remember: just because you think a negative thought, it does not mean that it's true!

    All our love,

    The Depression Project Team.

    P.S. If you'd like to learn a wide variety of cognitive behavioural therapy strategies to help you cope with and overcome the lies that depression tells you, then we've created a Bootcamp that we think you'll find really helpful.

    The Negative Thinking Bootcamp

    Access to this Bootcamp and lots of others are included as part of our Depression Bootcamps Membership Platform - which you can learn more about by clicking the button below.