15 Warning Signs That Your Mental Health Is Worsening

15 Warning Signs That Your Mental Health Is Worsening 15 Warning Signs That Your Mental Health Is Worsening

In this blog post, our friend, we'd like to share with you 15 warning signs that your mental health is worsening.


Because the sooner you can identify that your mental health is deteriorating, then the sooner you can try to:

  • Make room for self-care;
  • Reach out for support;
  • Start taking other steps to try to better your circumstances.

Are you ready?

15 Warning Signs That Your Mental Health Is Worsening

  1. Your energy levels have decreased;
  2. You're snapping at others;
  3. Everything is starting to feel like a chore / work;
  4. You're feeling trapped in a negative situation;
  5. You're struggling to engage in anything besides your current stressors;
  6. You're feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities;
  7. You're becoming more defensive / protective of your feelings;
  8. You've started escaping more into your imagination / re-living better times;
  9. You're doing more mindless / aimless activities than usual (for example, watching excess TV);
  10. You're getting "hung up" on / triggered by things that normally wouldn't bother you;
  11. You're experiencing changes in sleep pattern (for example, insomnia or excess sleeping);
  12. You're prioritising immediate pleasure / comfort more and more over long-term gains;
  13. You've started withdrawing from your friends / loved ones;
  14. You're avoiding making plans in the future because you feel that your state / mood is unpredictable;
  15. You're struggling to get pleasure / joy / stress relief out of the things you used to.

We hope you've found this blog post helpful, our friend, and if your mental health is worsening right now, then we're sending you lots of love and strength.

All our love,

The Depression Project Team.

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